Equalities Monitoring Form

Why are we asking you to complete this form?

Filling out the Equalities Monitoring Form helps us learn more about the diversity of our applicants and the people we support with funding.

Your responses help us see if there are any gaps or areas where we can do better. This way, we can ensure that more people can benefit from our funding. Your contribution to this work is crucial in making a positive impact.

To do this we request information which does not directly relate to our assessment of your application. We ask questions regarding age, gender, ethnicity, disability, and sexual orientation. We also include questions on Gaelic language.

If you do not know some of the information or if you prefer not to provide it, you can fill in the 'Prefer not to say' box.

How will my information be used?

The information you provide will be used to create anonymous statistics and reports. These will help us support groups that are underrepresented, improve equal opportunities and prevent discrimination. Your input will also help us improve our services and meet reporting requirements.

Please be assured that personally identifiable information will not be shared outside our organisation. Any statistics and reports we create for wider publication will be anonymised to protect your privacy.

For information on how we use your personal information (e.g. age) and sensitive personal information (e.g. ethnicity), please see the Funding Section of our Privacy Notice.

Alternative Formats and Languages

Creative Scotland and Screen Scotland are committed to offering clear and accessible application processes that are open to everyone.

On request, this information can be made available in accessible formats and translations.

Access Support

As part of the application process, access support can be requested and this could include help to complete this form, along with the application, for example. Support is available to individuals (or the lead applicant for a group) who self-identify as d/Deaf, hard of hearing, disabled or living with chronic illness, mental illness or neurodivergence (such as dyslexia, autism, ADHD).

Visit our website to learn more.

Contacting our Enquiries Service

If you require technical support or have any general enquiries about this form, please contact the Enquiries Service.

Email: enquiries@creativescotland.com

If you are applying on behalf of an organisation:

If you are applying as an individual:


Q1. Funding Programme

To which Funding Programme have you applied, or are in the process of applying to?
Please type the name of the funding programme in the box below.

Creative Scotland / Screen Scotland encourages organisations to collect employment data and monitor board membership.

Please therefore tell us about your organisation.

Please add at least one number to each column. If any of the categories are not relevant for your organisation please add a 0 in the column.

For employees please include any permanent and/or freelance staff.

Q2. Age

Please indicate the number of Staff and Board Members in the following age groups:
Chair Board Members Chief Executive Artistic Director/Lead Employees Volunteers
16-24 years
25-44 years
45-65 years
65+ years
Prefer not to say

Q3. Disability

Do you consider your organisation to be disabled-led?
Please indicate how many of your staff and board members consider themselves to be disabled and the number who consider themselves non-disabled.
Chair Board Members Chief Executive Artistic Director/Lead Employees Volunteers
Not known
Prefer not to say

Q4. Gender

Please indicate the gender of your Staff and Board Members:
Chair Board Members Chief Executive Artistic Director/Lead Employees Volunteers
Prefer not to say

Q5. Ethnicity

Do you consider your organisation to be minority ethnic led?
Please indicate how many of your staff and board members are from the following ethnic groups:
Chair Board Members Chief Executive Artistic Director/Lead Employees Volunteers
White Scottish / White British
Gypsy / Traveller
White Other:
Asian/Asian Scottish/Asian British
Chinese/Chinese Scottish/Chinese British
African/African Scottish/African British
Caribbean/Caribbean Scottish/Caribbean British
Black/Black Scottish/Black British
Arab/Arab Scottish/Arab British
Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Groups:
Prefer not to say

Q6. Sexual Orientation

Creative Scotland / Screen Scotland is a member of Stonewall's Diversity Champions programme. We therefore include the following question, to monitor the degree to which our policies are gay-friendly.

Please indicate how many of your staff and board members are from the following groups:
Chair Board Members Chief Executive Artistic Director/Lead Employees Volunteers
Prefer not to say

Q7. Gaelic Language

Do you support Gaelic language through your organisation's work?
How many of your Staff and Board regard themselves as Gaelic speakers or are Gaelic learners?
Chair Board Members Chief Executive Artistic Director/Lead Employees Volunteers
Gaelic speaker(s)
Gaelic learner(s)
Not known
Prefer not to say

Thank you for completing this Equalities Monitoring Form. You can now exit this page


Funding Programme

To which Funding Programme have you applied, or are in the process of applying to?
Please type the name of the funding programme in the box below.
Please now tell us about yourself. Please select relevant age.


How old are you?
16-24 years
25-44 years
45-65 years
65+ years
Prefer not to say


Do you have any of the following conditions which have lasted, or are expected to last, at least 12 months?
Visual impairment
Hearing impairment/deaf
Physical disabilities
Cognitive or learning disabilities
Mental health condition
Other long term/chronic condition
Prefer not to say


Please indicate your ethnic group by ticking one of the boxes below
White Scottish/White British
White Other
Asian/Asian Scottish/Asian British
Chinese/Chinese Scottish/Chinese British
African/African Scottish/African British
Caribbean/Caribbean Scottish/Caribbean British
Black/Black Scottish/Black British
Arab/Arab Scottish/Arab British
Mixed or Multiple Ethnic Groups:
Prefer not to say


What is your gender?
Prefer not to say

Sexual Orientation

Creative Scotland / Screen Scotland is a member of Stonewall's Diversity Champions programme. We therefore include the following question, to monitor the degree to which our policies are gay-friendly.

Which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself?
Prefer not to say

Gaelic Language

Do you speak Gaelic?

Thank you for completing this Equalities Monitoring Form. You can now exit this page